
自学技术“翻墙”传黄片 高校优等生获刑-新华网:2021-12-20 · 自学技术“翻墙”传黄片 高校优等生获刑---今年19岁的孙某正在北京一所大学读大二,学习成绩优秀,出于个人癖好,孙某经常利用QQ群、百度云盘等购买传播儿童淫秽视频。由于他英语和计算机技术都很好,便自学技术,通过境外网站发布儿童淫秽视频,并交换回“国内没见过的”淫秽视频。

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    WorldLabs, a platform designed to promote innovation in science, can help you gain some of the experiences you may have missed these past few months. […]
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Evolutionary Biology


The Evolutionary Biology Option allows Biology Majors to concentrate their studies in evolution and to have this reflected on their transcript. Since there is no Evolutionary Biology Major available at UW-Madison, this is the only mechanism to indicate specialization in this rapidly growing and popular field. Students will take courses that emphasize evolutionary biology, ranging from a required courses in fundamental evolutionary biology to more advanced optional courses that cover a wide range of evolutionary biology topics. They will also get to take a one-credit seminar course in evolutionary biology.

Who should enroll in this Option?

Students with broad interest in biological sciences who want to:

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  • Prepare for professional studies (e.g. medical school, veterinary school, dentistry)
  • Concentrate their biological studies in evolutionary biology

Plant Biology

Woman carrying bucket of plants

The Plant Biology Option allows Biology Majors to focus their studies on plant science and to have this reflected on their transcript. The Plant Biology Option allows students to pursue a course of study within the Biology major and explore plant biology at the same time. Students in this option can fulfill their requirements with courses that emphasize various aspects of plant science, including anatomy, physiology, genetics, crop production, disease resistance, and molecular techniques in plant improvement. Students also participate in a one credit seminar called Frontiers in Plant Science taught by two faculty from plant science departments.

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Students with broad interest in biological sciences who want to:  

  • Prepare for graduate work in a plant science field
  • Prepare for advanced study or graduate work in a natural or environmental science field
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